
Liebe Besucher und Besucherinen unseres Meerwasser Aqua Blogs.
Wir berichten in unserem Blog über unsere Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen
beim Einsatz von Dr. Pilz Trace Elements, Dr. Pilz Main Elements und Dr. Pilz Coral Nutrients im Riff Aquarium.

Das Besondere an unseren Elementlösungen ist, dass wir ihnen
immer klare Angaben über den Gehalt der einzelnen Lösungen machen, immer
in mg/ml. Sie wissen damit immer genau, wieviel sie dosieren und wieviel Ihre Korallen
zum optimalen Gedeihen benötigen. Sie dosieren dabei nur solche Elemente, die in ihrem Aquarium verbraucht werden.

Unsere Lösungen sind hoch konzentriert und daher sehr sparsam im Verbrauch.
Bei unseren Spurenelementen reicht gewöhnlich eine tägliche Dosierung von 1-2Tropfen auf 100L aus.
Sie helfen ihnen dabei auch ihre Wasserwechsel zu reduzieren, was Zeit und Geld spart.

Zu allen Lösungen erhalten sie eine ausführliche Produkt Beschreibung.
Und für alle Rückfragen stehen wir ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Samstag, 2. August 2014

How fast do SPS corals grow?

Wie schnell wachsen Korallen SPS

How fast do SPS corals grow? Part III

Aquarists, especially beginners, are often driven by the question when can they start putting first corals in their new tank and how long does it take until it will turn in a colourful reef biotope? The coral in the picture is a seriatopora caliendium, which lives in our reef tank. The size growth was around 600% over a period of six months. Aquarists wanting to start with their first hard corals in their reef we can recommend two seriatopora species. These corals are less sensitive compared to acropora corals.

  • seriatopora caliendium
  • seriatopora hysterix

These corals also mainntain their colouring better and have a huge growth potential.

The maintenance parameters we keep up for hard corals.

With these parameters our goal is to generate conditions in our tank close to natural reefs. We have been keeping up these parameters very succesfully for the care of sensitive reef organism in our own tank over more than 10 years.

We would like to give aquarists who want to keep sensitive reef organism in their tank an important reminder.

You need to accept your responsibility to maintain the wonderful world of coral reef. Support farming projects to reduce the number of wild collecting, try to save as much water and energy as you can. Your benefits is to save a lot of money. Many corals and also some fish have their origins in inland aquaculture farms.

The water parameters we keep up are:

  • No live rocks.
  • This reduces costs and keeps away aiptasia and other animals you don't want to find in your tank.
  • No bacteria (or bacteria food).
  • No water-change. (10%/year, to keep water density constant.)
  • We are using a Ca/Mg Reactor, process developed by ourselves.
  • Tunze DOC skimmer.
  • Tunze Comeline filter.
  • DSB Filter in reef tank (6cm 2-3mm grain size).
  • Dosing of main elements which are missing in many salt mixtures: Borone, Brome (Only own products, Dr. Pilz Main Elements).
  • We dose our own trace elements daily: Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Cu, V, Mo, J, Ni.
  • We use Dr. Pilz Coral Nutrients: Nitrogen, B12, amino acids if required.
  • ......and a lot of patience!!!!!

We will explain in our next post why we should keep parazoanthus in an extra tank only.

I say good bye and would be proud if you would came back to my blog. Yours Dr. Andreas Pilz
