
Liebe Besucher und Besucherinen unseres Meerwasser Aqua Blogs.
Wir berichten in unserem Blog über unsere Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen
beim Einsatz von Dr. Pilz Trace Elements, Dr. Pilz Main Elements und Dr. Pilz Coral Nutrients im Riff Aquarium.

Das Besondere an unseren Elementlösungen ist, dass wir ihnen
immer klare Angaben über den Gehalt der einzelnen Lösungen machen, immer
in mg/ml. Sie wissen damit immer genau, wieviel sie dosieren und wieviel Ihre Korallen
zum optimalen Gedeihen benötigen. Sie dosieren dabei nur solche Elemente, die in ihrem Aquarium verbraucht werden.

Unsere Lösungen sind hoch konzentriert und daher sehr sparsam im Verbrauch.
Bei unseren Spurenelementen reicht gewöhnlich eine tägliche Dosierung von 1-2Tropfen auf 100L aus.
Sie helfen ihnen dabei auch ihre Wasserwechsel zu reduzieren, was Zeit und Geld spart.

Zu allen Lösungen erhalten sie eine ausführliche Produkt Beschreibung.
Und für alle Rückfragen stehen wir ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

Trace Elements Part I

Trace Elements are one of the most fascinating subjects which have been discussed among reef aquarist all over the world for decades.  Some authors and also producers of care products for reef tanks attribute Trace Elements with a fantastic behaviour.  The reader of aquarist literature can't find many statements about the performance of certain Trace Elements in reef tanks.  On the other hand it is not very complicated to detect the performance of single Trace Elements in reef tanks.
We have simplified the handling of our Trace Elements solutions.  Each solution now contains only one trace element. We give a precise description of the concentration of this element in [mg/ml].  Nickel solution has a concentration of 0,012mg/ml.
3 drops from our blue bottle have the Nickel concentration of one Litre nat. sw.; concentration of 1L nat sw. 0,0017mg, given by Fossa & Nielsen.
To make it easier for aquarists we use today only this element concentration given by Fossa & Nielsen in their famous booklet for aquarists, which every aquarist knows or has in his cupboard.
The Nickel dosage recommendation: 3drops/26, 4 Gallon reef water / every day.
In our tank it tanks two to three days until we can make following observation:
Red colour of our Histerix Coral becomes much deeper
Growth peaks become longer
New growth eyes on the branch
If you don’t see any improvement you can carefully increase dosage by one or two drops.
Why we can see such a strong effect by adding such small amounts of one single trace element compared with the effect of a water change of 10% or more will be discussed later.
Regarding the importance of Nickel for life, the scientific literature reports 8 different biochemical processes where Ni is essential [RAGSDALE 2006].
In reef tanks with stone corals we strongly recommend the daily dosage of Nickel.
Trace Elements will be continued soon
Have nice time
Dr. Andreas Pilz


Nickel Enzymes & Cofactores; Encyclopedia of inorganic Chemistry; 2006, John Willey &
Sons Ltd..